La fin de saison 2015 a été exceptionelle. Le mois de septembre a été ensoleillé et chaud, tout comme le début d'octobre. Les années précédentes, tout était terminé et la bache était en place pour l'hiver, a l'Action de Grace. Cette année, en raison de la météo favorable, la pose finale de la bache s'est fait 2 semaines plus tard.
The end of the 2015 season has been exceptionnal. The month of september was sunny and warm, as well as the beginning of october. The previous years, everything was done and the tarp was in place for winter, by Thanksgiving. This year, due to the favourable weather, the final installation of the tarp occured 2 weeks later.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Chandeliers et mains-courantes / Stanchions and hand rails
J'ai installé mes chandeliers et mains courantes dès que je les ai recues. Il y a les petites mains courantes allant de chaque coté de l'accès a la plate-forme de baignade complètement a l'arrière.
I installed the stanchions and hand rails as soon as I received them. First there are the small hand rails going of both sides of the access to the swimming plateform, completely at the rear.
Ensuite il y a les longues mains courantes faites d'un bout de tuyau 11' de long avec 5 chandeliers chacun, plus les mains courantes plus petites, faites d'un bout de tuyau 5' de long avec 2 chandeliers, allant sur la section reliant l'arrière des coques latérales au cockpit.
Then there are the large ones, made of one piece of 11' tubing with 5 stanchions each, going on both sides, plus the smaller ones made of 5' tubing plus 2 stanchions, that go over the section joining the rear of the lateral hulls to the cockpit.
I installed the stanchions and hand rails as soon as I received them. First there are the small hand rails going of both sides of the access to the swimming plateform, completely at the rear.
Ensuite il y a les longues mains courantes faites d'un bout de tuyau 11' de long avec 5 chandeliers chacun, plus les mains courantes plus petites, faites d'un bout de tuyau 5' de long avec 2 chandeliers, allant sur la section reliant l'arrière des coques latérales au cockpit.
Then there are the large ones, made of one piece of 11' tubing with 5 stanchions each, going on both sides, plus the smaller ones made of 5' tubing plus 2 stanchions, that go over the section joining the rear of the lateral hulls to the cockpit.
Une autre charpente / Another framework
C'est après avoir vu mon bateau flotter de facon admirable, que j'ai donné le contrat pour faire manufacturer mes chandeliers et mains courantes en acier inoxidable. Ces pièces ont nécéssité un certain temps a fabriquer et j'ai pu entre-temps, commencer a fabriquer un début de charpente pour supporter encore une fois, une bache pour protéger le dessus du bateau des éléments durant l'hiver. Cette fois-ci, j'ai fait une charpente moins évoluée. Elle ne recouvre plus systématiquement tout le bateau de la proue a la poupe. Je souhaite protéger surtout le roof et le cockpit. De plus. la bome est en place maintenant et je dois en tenir compte dans l'élaboration de cette charpente.
It is after I have seen my boat floating in an admirable manner that I have given the contract to produce my stanchions and hand rails, of stainless steel. These pieces took some time to get manufactured and in the meanwhile, I started to build a framework to support, once again, a tarp to protect the top of the boat against the elements during the winter. This time, I built a less complicated framework. It does not cover the whole boat from bow to stern. I wish to protect mostly the roof and the cockpit. Furthermore, the boom is in place now so I must consider it in the design of the framework.
It is after I have seen my boat floating in an admirable manner that I have given the contract to produce my stanchions and hand rails, of stainless steel. These pieces took some time to get manufactured and in the meanwhile, I started to build a framework to support, once again, a tarp to protect the top of the boat against the elements during the winter. This time, I built a less complicated framework. It does not cover the whole boat from bow to stern. I wish to protect mostly the roof and the cockpit. Furthermore, the boom is in place now so I must consider it in the design of the framework.
Pour l'apparence / For the look
J'ai fixé, sur les cotés, une petite moulure en bois d'iroko que j'ai préalablement découpé, raboté et poncé. Cette essence de bois est un substitut avantageux au teck. Aussi huileux, tout aussi résistant a la putréfaction, moins fendant et surtout 3 a 4 fois moins couteux au pied linéaire. Une fois bien fixée en place, ces moulures ont recu plusieurs couches de vernis Le Tonkinois . J'ai également utilisé, a mon entière satisfaction, ce vernis, sur les mains courantes sur le toit de la cabine, ainsi que sur la porte et son cadrage a l'arrière de la cabine.
I fixed, on each side, a wooden trim made of iroko, that I previously cut, carved and sanded. That kind of wood can be used instead of teak, with some advantages. As oily, as resistant to rot, won't split as easily and 3 to 4 times less expensive per linear foot. Once fixed in place, these wooden trims received many coats of Le Tonkinois varnish. I also tried with extreme satisfaction, that same varnish on other wooden features like the hand rails on the roof, as well as on the door and frame at the rear of the cabin.
I fixed, on each side, a wooden trim made of iroko, that I previously cut, carved and sanded. That kind of wood can be used instead of teak, with some advantages. As oily, as resistant to rot, won't split as easily and 3 to 4 times less expensive per linear foot. Once fixed in place, these wooden trims received many coats of Le Tonkinois varnish. I also tried with extreme satisfaction, that same varnish on other wooden features like the hand rails on the roof, as well as on the door and frame at the rear of the cabin.
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