After a particularly long and cold winter, I was expecting a spring that would be the same, as it has been last year. But it has not been the case. Yes, march was cold but the temperature improved with april. Around the middle of april, the snow was almost all gone and as the water level in the swamp was low, I could hope to start working early this season.
Mon premier travail cette saison, est de repeindre ma bome comme je l'avais fait avec le mat l'an passé. J'ai d'abord démonté toute la ferraille tout en notant ou chaque piece va, pour ensuite la poncer. J'ai ensuite vaporisé un appret a base de chromate de zinc, spécifique a l'aluminium, pour, par la suite, lui mettre un appret époxy et deux couches de finition polyuréthane. Une fois la peinture bien durcie, j'ai remonté la quincaillerie en place et finalement installé la bome la ou elle doit aller.
My first task this season, is to repaint the boom, as I did with the mast last year. I first took off all the pieces while noting where everything is fixed, and then I sanded it. Next I sprayed a zinc-chromate primer, meant for aluminum, and then applied the epoxy primer and two coats of polyurethane finishing paint. Once the paint well cured, I put back the hardware and finally installed the boom where it should go.
J'ai aussi commencé a travailler après le mécanisme qui relie les leviers de controle de la transmission et commande des gaz, vers le moteur.
I also started to work on the transmission and throttle linkage.
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